Create Honeypots & Protect Your Email Lists

Our honeypots detect insider and outsider threats in real-time, tracing and responding to events before damage is done. Want to know if someone stole your email list?

Threatening Bear
Threatening Bear

Right about now, you probably have a few questions buzzing in your head about

Breach Points, Honeypots, and How They Affect You

That’s the lifetime value & lost reputation cost of a stolen record on an average breach
Of SMBs suffered a breach attempt last year, if you didn’t, you’re in the lucky minority
Of data breaches involved employees, 2% by partners, and 2% by multiple parties
Of small & medium companies who suffer a cyberattack are out of business within 6 months
"US National Cyber Security Alliance"
Each year, there’s an increase in the number of breach attempts
But there’s a way to fight back!
"To Secure Peace, Is to Prepare for War"
Flavius Vegetius Renatus

How many breach points do you have?

Do you store your email lists on a server? That’s a breach point. Email Automation, SaaS marketing platform or CRMs? Breach point. Remote databases or Cloud points? You got it, breach points! With Hotmark, you’re protected against breach attacks.

How do honeypots help?

Hotmark’s honeypots are security and monitoring agents that monitor email lists and databases, notifying you if they were used by unauthorized parties or if there’s a problem with your campaigns, technical, or otherwise.

There’s power in anti-hacking and anti-theft

Loyal employees could, one day, leave you and take your data with them. Hackers can steal your list at any given point in time. Hotmark will raise the flags and point them out before it’s too late.

Invalid Links in Email Campaigns are Costly

Human and tech errors might create broken campaign links!
When these mistakes happen, Hotmark will notify you about the incident so you’ll be able to take immediate action.

Cover Negligence and Technological Errors

How valuable are your Cloud access points? Shared code environments? SVNs with access to your database access keys?
Someone can accidentally leave breach point login details out in the open. In addition, when SaaS Marketing platform or faulty CRM integrations occur, you must discover them before it’s too late.

No Coding Skills Required

Monitor and shield your email lists on every breach point with a simple process. There’s no need to call your IT, and you’ll be able to personally monitor it away from prying eyes.

For the first time, you’ll have total control over your data

See How Our Users Smoke out Bears

We’re a SaaS company with over 25,000 leads in our database. Our customer database was carefully acquired through the years, over many marketing campaigns, and is our most valuable asset.

In the past, we’ve implemented strict security measures to monitor improper access and usage of our database, but Hotmark simplified this task. Adding unique honeypots to several breach points, such as certain personnel, our ESP, and our CRM, gives us the type of protection we need to monitor each list and their replicas separately; we’re glad to have it in place!", "testimonialAuthor": "Kfir Hod Moyal, BIScience
Kfir Hod Moyal, BIScience
We used Hotmark’s unique honeypots to not only track potential theft, but also to monitor every commercial email that is sent to our database. We depend heavily on revenue from every email we send to our clients and the links must be correct.

Up until now, our email marketing team had to revise emails manually and mistakes still occurred without us noticing them. Now, we can monitor all our outgoing commercial emails and verify the links are always correct, both in terms of domain and tracking parameters. Super cool!
Peter Collman, Cloud Secure

Setting it up is easy!

Once You’re Done, It Sticks!

Create a breach point
Add honeypots to each breachpoint
Add whitelists
Add honeypots to your lists
Stay on top of your security concerns via Hotmark

Safe data keeps you in business

Today, Your Data Is Worth More Than Gold!

Hotmark Users
of Brands, B2B SaaS Products, Marketing Agencies, eCommerces, Brick & Mortar, and more!
Data Entries
are safeguarded by Hotmark’s breach point protection agents as you’re reading these lines.
Breach Points
of email lists and data are protected from breach threats, coming from inside and outside.
What's the Best Time to Act?
While the Bears Are Hibernating
Want to know if someone is using your database without permission?